Printing labels

You can print labels directly from the program, or from another program or website using the API. For how to use the API see Integration Guide.

Next, we will describe how to print labels directly from the program.

To print labels:

  1. Select the desired label from the already opened labels:

    If the list of labels does not contain the label you need, then open the label using any of these methods:

    You can also create a new label or copy the current label.

  2. Import your data or add manually to the Label Printing Data :

    1. If you are using an external data source, such as an Excel file, then click the 1 Import Data button. See Data import settings to learn how to configure data import.
    2. To manually add your data, click the 2 + button, an empty row will be added to the table, then add the columns you need and fill them with your data.
  3. In order for the label element to display your data, the field name in your source must match the field name in the label element, otherwise the element will not be able to display your data and you will see a warning sign.
    In this case, replace the data field in the label element with the data field from your source. For example, drag and drop your fields onto label elements.

  4. Select the required rows for which you want to print labels 1 , and set the number of labels for each row in the column Number of labels to print 2 .
    You can also change your data before printing, such as changing prices.

  5. Click 1 Preview to preview the labels before printing and see the print settings, or click 2 Print to print labels immediately.

    To save labels in a PDF, Excel file or as PNG images select in the preview window the appropriate printer built into the program.

You can save label printing data using the Save button. When you later open the program, label printing data will be restored.

Batch printing

The batch print mode is designed to automatically print labels when your data source (such as an Excel file) changes or a new data source (such as an Excel file) appears in the folder you select.

If changes are detected in your data source, or if a new file appears in the folder you select, labels will be automatically printed using the data from the file.

Setting up batch printing

  1. Perform data import settings. When batch printing, the program will load data from files using these data import settings.

  2. Click the Batch Printing tab in the data import settings.

  3. Select a tracking type.

    1. Track file changes from the "Connection" tab. Changes to the file from the "Connection" tab will be monitored.

    2. Track the appearance of files in the specified folder. The appearance of files in the folder you specified will be monitored.

    Tracking types will be described next.

Track file changes from the "Connection" tab

Choose what is considered a file change: the date and time the file was modified (default) or the size of the file 1.

You can set the interval for checking changes in a file 2.

If you need print confirmation from the user, set the flag 3.

Track the appearance of files in the specified folder

Select a folder where files will be monitored 1. You can use wildcard characters "?" and "*" to filter processed files.

Choose what to do with the file after printing the labels: delete the file (default) or change the file name 2.

You can set the interval for checking the appearance of files in a folder 3.

If you need print confirmation from the user, set the flag 4.

Starting batch printing

To start batch printing, click the 1 Batch Printing button and then click the 2 Start button.

Stop batch printing

To stop batch printing, click the Stop button.

Changing batch print settings

To change the batch print settings, click the Batch Print Settings button.

Enable Print on [Enter] to print labels as soon as data is changed.
For example, you type a new price on the keyboard, press [Enter], and the program immediately prints labels with this new price.