Print Settings

Any changes to print settings are saved in the program's database.

Print settings are saved per label and per printer.
In network mode print settings are saved for each user separately.

  • Menu Actions:

    • Apply current print settings to other users. Allows you to apply the settings for another user(s) in network mode. Clicking will open the window of selecting users for which you want to apply these settings.
    • Apply current print settings to another printer. Allows you to apply the settings for another printer / saving to a file. Clicking will open the window of selecting printer for which you want to apply these settings.
    • Delete current print settings . Removes the current settings from the program database.


  • Label. The label whose print settings you see.
  • Printer. The printer that will print the labels. This can be a local printer, network printer or any, for example, local printer from another computer.
    • Printer properties. When you click the button, the printer settings dialog will be displayed.
  • Use print options from label properties. If the checkbox is set, then the print options from the label properties will be used.
  • Set Up to Print on a Roll of Labels (Thermal Printer, etc.). When you click the button, the assistant form for setting up printing on a roll of labels will open.

  • Select a Stock Layout. When you click on the button, the window for selecting the layout of the labels will open.

    Expand the folder of the desired manufacturer, select the desired layout and click Select this Stock Layout.


  • Page Size. Here you can select from the list or manually set the size of the page on which the labels will be printed.

  • Page Orientation. You can select the orientation of the page.

Label Arrangement

  • Label Arrangement. Here you can set the number of labels horizontally and vertically, the vertical and horizontal gaps between the labels, the direction in which the labels are printed.

    • Auto placement. If the checkbox is set, then the number of labels horizontally and vertically will be determined automatically, based on the size of the label, the gaps between the labels and the margins.
  • Margins. Here you can set the margins to the left, right, top and bottom.

    • Auto detect margins. If the checkbox is set, the minimum margins from the printer settings will be set.
  • Label Size and Shape. Here you can set the dimensions and radii of the label.

    • Set from label properties . When you click on the button, the dimensions and radii of the labels will be taken from the label properties.
    • Fit to page. When you click on the button, the label sizes will be set so that the labels do not go beyond the boundaries of the page. This takes into account the current number of labels on the page horizontally, vertically, the gaps between the labels and the margins.
  • Label Offset Sets the offset of printed labels relative to the areas where they are placed.

  • Rotate label 90 If the checkbox is set, then all labels will be rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise.


  • DPI. Resolution of the printer.

When saving labels to PDF

  • Set formula. Allows you to specify a file name when saving labels to a file. The file name can be static or dynamic, such as the current date and time.

    If the formula is not specified, then the save to file dialog with an automatically generated file name will be shown.

    If there is no path in the file name, then the dialog for saving to file with the name obtained from the formula will be shown.

  • DPI. Resolution of the PDF file.

When saving labels as images

In one file

  • Set formula. Allows you to specify a file name when saving labels to a file. The file name can be static or dynamic, such as the current date and time.

    If the formula is not specified, then the save to file dialog with an automatically generated file name will be shown.

    If there is no path in the file name, then the dialog for saving to file with the name obtained from the formula will be shown.

  • DPI. Resolution of the saved image.
  • Format. Format of the saved image.

To separate files

  • Set formula. Allows you to specify a file name when saving labels to files. The file name can be static or dynamic, such as the current date and time.

    If the formula is not specified, an automatically generated file name will be used and the folder selection dialog will be displayed.

    If there is no path for the file name, the folder selection dialog will be shown.

  • DPI. Resolution of saved images.
  • Format. Format of saved images.

Special printing settings in the Designer

  • Import data when clicking Print. If the checkbox is set, then when you click on the Print button or Preview, the data for printing labels will be imported first.
  • Print all open labels. If the checkbox is set, then when you click on the Print button or Preview, all labels opened in the Designer will be printed, starting with the first one and continuing in order.