Trial period

If the features of the free version are not enough for you and you want to try out all the features of the program before purchasing a license, start a free trial period and get unlimited access to all features of the program for 30 days.

Start of trial period

To start your free 30-day trial:

  1. Click Start Free Trial.

    A form will open on the program website. If the form does not open, go to the program website to the page Start a free trial.

  2. Fill out the form and click Start Free Trial.

  3. An email containing your trial key will be sent to your email address that you specified. From now on, your trial period begins. If you cannot find the email, try searching for the email in your Spam folder.
  4. Return to the program and click Activate License.
  5. Select Activate Free Trial and click Next.
  6. Copy your trial key from the email you received and paste it into the appropriate field. Click Next.
  7. Continue to activate your trial by following the prompts.

Trial period is active

After successful activation of your trial period, in the start window of the program you can see the number of days remaining in the trial period.

To continue using the trial period, click Continue trial.

End of trial period

If you do not have enough time to try out the main functions of the program and you want to extend the trial period, click Extend your trial.

You can also use the program for free by clicking Continue free use.