Interface Overview

Label Designer

The label designer is designed to print labels, create new or modify existing label labels.

Toolbar for inserting and selecting elements

  1. Element selection.
  2. Inserting a Text element.
  3. Inserting a Shape element (Rectangle, Line, Rounded rectangle, Circle, Arc, Pie, Star etc.).

  4. Inserting a Barcode element.
  5. Inserting a 2D Barcode element.
  6. Inserting an Image element.
  7. Inserting an Icon/Symbol/Clipart element.
  8. Inserting a Currency Symbol element.

Data source fields area

The scope contains a list of data source fields.

Fields can be dragged onto label elements to have label elements display the data for those fields, or to empty label space to create new elements that display these field data.

Label editing area

You can change the display scale by clicking the scale value 4, or using the buttons 1 and 3.

To fit the label into the editing area, click 2.

Printer DPI 5 is used to evaluate the appearance of the label at various printer resolutions. If you ran a preview of this label, your printer's resolution will be set here.

Top panel

  1. Preview. To preview labels before printing and print settings.
  2. Print. For immediate label printing.
  3. Special printing settings.
    • Import data when clicking Print. If the checkbox is set, then when you click on the Print button or Preview, the data for printing labels will be imported first.
    • Print all open labels. If the checkbox is set, then when you click on the Print button or Preview, all labels opened in the Designer will be printed, starting with the first one and continuing in order.
  4. Save. Saves label changes.
  5. Undoes label changes.
  6. Redoes label changes.
  7. Label Properties. Opens the Label Properties window.
  8. Actions. Menu for various actions on the label.

    You can also print any external PDF file through the program using the corresponding menu item.

  9. Open from label catalog. Opens the label catalog to select a label.
  10. Open recent. Opens a list of recently opened labels to reopen the label.
  11. New label. Creates a new label.
  12. Create a copy. Creates a new label based on the current one.

Element properties tab

The panel contains basic tools for editing the properties of an element or a group of elements.

  • Element Properties. Opens the Element Properties window to access all properties of the element.

Elements tab

The scope contains a list of label elements, with the ability to filter by layer.

In the list of elements, the line consists of the icon of the element type, element ID, data fields displayed by the element, element formulas.

Top buttons:

  • Import Data. Imports data from a data source.

    See Data import for how to import data.

  • Data import settings. Opens the data import settings window.
  • Import data when clicking Print. When the checkbox is set, the new data from the source will be imported before printing or previewing. All imported rows will be marked for printing.
  • Data import history. Opens the data import history window. You can restore data from the data import history by replacing the current data.

Bottom buttons on the left:

  1. Sets the values in the current column for the selected rows.
  2. Copies rows and adds copies to the end of the list.
  3. Deletes rows.
  4. Clears the list.
  5. Moves rows higher in the list.
  6. Moves rows lower in the list.
  7. Adds a new empty row or adds a new column.
  8. Opens a search window.
  9. Searches for rows by barcode.
  10. Searches for rows marked for printing.
  11. Cancels the search.
  12. Scan barcode and Print. Scans a barcode, searches for rows on that barcode, and prints the found rows.
  13. Scan barcode and Print settings.
  14. Enables print mode on pressing [Enter]. In this mode, printing will occur after pressing [Enter], for example, after editing the price, you press [Enter] and the label is printed.
  15. Opens the batch print window.

Bottom buttons on the right:

  1. Save. Stores label printing data in the program database. After restarting the program, the label printing data will be restored.

    You can restore saved label printing data via Actions > Load Saved Data .

  2. Actions. The menu is intended for exporting the list, and other actions with the list.

  3. Opens the table settings window.


This submenu provides access to all the program catalogs.

When you click on this menu item, a window will be displayed for removing items marked for deletion.

Clicking on this menu item will display the Log of printing jobs window.

Clicking on this menu item will display the Program settings window.


This submenu allows you to perform various service operations.


  1. Opens this user guide in a browser.
  2. Opens a form for contacting the program support in the browser.
  3. Collects information for technical support of the program in archive and send to the program support department.
  4. Opens a form for writing a review about the program in the browser.
  5. Checks for program updates. If there is a new update the program, you will be prompted to download it.
  6. Opens a window for license activation.
  7. Opens a window that will display information about the program, current license, license term, etc.


Selects the interface language.

When you click on this menu item the program will be closed.

Label Properties

Label Type. Here you can set the label type.

  • Normal. Label with graphic elements.
  • Meta label (prints other label according to certain rules). A label that prints other labels according to certain rules, using the same print data. The rules are set declaratively using a convenient interface or using a script (JavaScript or Pascal script), which gives unlimited possibilities for generating a print job.
  • Printer language script (ZPL, CPCL, TSPL, EPL, DPL, etc.). Label described in printer language.

Sizes and Print Options

The tab is intended for setting the dimensions of the label and printing options.

  • Set Up to Print on a Roll of Labels (Thermal Printer, etc.). When you click the button, the assistant form for setting up printing on a roll of labels will open.
  • Select a Stock Layout. When you click on the button, the window for selecting the layout of the labels will open.

    Expand the folder of the desired manufacturer, select the desired layout and click Select this Stock Layout.

Sizes and Arrangement

  • Label Size and Shape. Here you can set the dimensions and radii of the label.

  • Margins. Here you can set the margins to the left, right, top and bottom.

  • Label Arrangement. Here you can set the number of labels horizontally and vertically, the vertical and horizontal gaps between the labels, the direction in which the labels are printed.

  • Automatic label arrangement and automatic margins during printing. If the checkbox is set, then the labels will be placed on the page automatically and the margins on the page will also be determined automatically based on the parameters of the printer that will be selected to print this label.

Page and Printer

  • Page Size. Here you can select from the list or manually set the size of the page on which the labels will be printed.

  • Page Orientation. You can select the orientation of the page.

  • Printer. You can choose which printer will be used to print this label.

    • Last used or default. The printer that was used to print the label or the default printer will be used if the label has not been printed yet. A user will be able to change the printer in the preview window.

    • Always default. The default printer will always be used. A user will not be able to change the printer in the preview window.

    • Selected here. The printer selected here will always be used. You can also simply type or paste your printer name here if it is not in the list. A user will not be able to change the printer in the preview window.


On this tab, you can add layers and set the visibility of each layer under certain conditions.

Layer Visibility

You can adjust the visibility of the layer, depending on the conditions in the form of a formula. If visibility conditions are specified for a layer, then they have priority over the visibility conditions for elements in this layer.


On this tab, you can change the name of the label, add a description to it, or make it a favorite.

Template element properties

Data Source

Here you can set the data source for displaying text information within the bounds of this element.

  • Type

    • Text. To display static text.

      You can add a currency symbol to the text with the Currency symbol button or any symbol available from the Windows character table with the Character map button.

    • Data field or formula. To display data from data fields (for example, product parameters, counters, etc.) and text using a formula.

      To select the desired data field, click on the data field selection field 1.

      To set the format for numbers or dates, click Customize the display format.

      For advanced configuration, click Change formula, Formula Designer will be opened.

    • JavaScript. Allows you to use JavaScript to display data from data fields (for example parameters of products, counters, etc.) and text.
    • Pascal script. Allows you to use a Pascal script to display data from data fields (for example parameters of products, counters, etc.) and text.
  • Text format

    • Plain text. Text without formatting. Text style is set on the Text Style tab or in the left toolbar of the Designer
    • Rich Text (RTF). Text containing RTF formatting. Text style is set on the toolbar below
    • HTML. Text containing HTML formatting. Basic text style (font, font size, and font color) is set on the Text Style tab or in the left toolbar of the Designer


The tab is visible only if the element type is Barcode or 2D Barcode.

  • Type. You can choose the desired type of barcode from over 50 options.

    If the Auto type is selected, the program will analyze the barcode length and other parameters and automatically determine the appropriate barcode type for display:

    1. If the barcode contains only numbers. Depending on the length of the barcode, UPC-E, UPC-A, EAN-8, EAN-13, or Code 128 will be selected for display.
    2. If the barcode contains more than just numbers. If the barcode contains valid Code 39 characters, then Code 39 will be selected for display, otherwise Code 128 will be selected.
  • Show Text. If the checkbox is set, then the barcode will be displayed not only in coded form, but also in the form of text and numbers.
  • Do Not Show Errors. If the flag is set, then errors in the data leading to the inability to display the barcode will not be displayed, otherwise they will be displayed on a red background instead of a barcode.

For some types of barcodes, additional settings will be shown.

Text Style

On the tab, you can specify the style of the text displayed by the element: font and its parameters, paragraph parameters, autosize of the font, etc.

  • Autosize. If the flag is set, then the font size will be calculated automatically. You can choose one of the following methods:

    1. Reduce text at the exit of element dimensions. If the text does not fit into the boundaries of the element, the font size will be reduced so that the text size fits into the element's size. The font size can not be less than the specified minimum font size.
    2. Fit the text in element size. The font size will be chosen so that the text size fits into the size of the element. The font size can not be less than the specified minimum font size and can not exceed the specified maximum font size.


On the tab, you can set the border style, as well as the visibility of the sides for polygonal elements (rectangle, triangle, etc.).

In addition, you can specify the position of the vertices of the polygon relative to the boundaries of the element, which allows you to form figures other than the standard ones.


Here you can set the fill style.


Here you can configure the display of the image (background or dynamically acquired).

Dynamic image acquisition

  • Method of getting:

    • Don't use an image. The image will not be received at the time of printing or viewing. A background image will be displayed if one is set.
    • Get by link (URL or file path) or in binary form from the data field. The image will be received at the time of printing or viewing.

      The source of the image and the method of obtaining the image is set on the Data Source tab.

      You can use one of the following image obtaining methods:

      1. A static image link.


      2. A static link to an image file.

        Example: c:\images\image.jpg.

      3. A name of the data field that contains a link to an image or a binary image.

        Example: Image.

      4. A data field that contains a link to an image or a binary image. If the data field contains the name of another data field, then the link to the image or binary image will be obtained from the other data field.

        Example: Image.


On this tab you can change the element type and specify parameters specific to certain types of elements.

Size and Position

Here you can specify the size and position of the element relative to the template, the rotation angle, etc.

  • Flip. Allows you to display the element flipped horizontally and/or vertically.
  • Fit size to size of displayed text. If the checkbox is set, the boundaries of the element will be set according to the size of the text displayed by the element.
  • Constraints. You can set the maximum and minimum sizes of the element for cases when these sizes can change, for example, when binding to another element or fitting the size to the size of displayed text.
  • Anchors. You can bind the sides of an element to the sides of other elements, so that when the size of another element changes, this element follows this change.

    To bind one element to each other, do the following:

    1. Choose the side of this element that will be tied (left, right, top, bottom).
    2. Select the side of the other element to which you want to bind.
    3. Select the ID of another element from the list.
    4. Set the offset between the parties to be tied.

    Binding example:

  • Layer. The layer to which the element belongs.


Here you can specify the conditions in the form of a formula, under which the element will be visible.

  • Visibility

    • Always. The element will always be visible.
    • Under the condition given by the formula. The element will be visible if the condition in the formula will either be true or the formula will return 1.

      Visibility condition example:

      [Price] > 123

      In this case, the element will be visible if the value of the Price data field is greater than 123.

    • If the data to display is not empty and not equal to zero.
  • Not printable. If the flag is set, then the element will not be printed, but it will be visible during template editing if the visibility conditions are met.

Formula Designer

Allows you to create and edit formulas.

  1. When you click on the button, depending on the type of expression, one of the following windows will be opened:

    1. Window for selecting a value, if the expression type is the initial value of the formula or an argument functions.
    2. Window for selecting a function if the expression type is a function. In this way, the function can replace with another.
  2. When you click on the button, a window for setting the format for displaying numbers and dates will open.
  3. When you click on the button, a window for selecting a function will open. After selection, the function will be added to the end of the current formula.
  4. Deletes the selected function.
  5. Moves the selected function up the list within the current formula. Position function in the list determines the moment of its execution (the higher, the earlier).
  6. Moves the selected function down the list within the current formula. Position function in the list determines the moment of its execution (the higher, the earlier).
  7. Undoes actions taken on a formula.
  8. Repeats actions performed on a formula.
  9. Allows you to quickly insert into the formula: data field, text or symbol currencies; open symbol table.
  10. Allows you to quickly insert into the formula: data field, text or symbol currencies.
  11. When you click on the button, the formula will be available for editing as text.

    You can add a comment to a formula in the form /*Your comment*/ .

  12. Clears the formula.

Customize the display format

Allows you to set the display format for numbers or dates and times.


  1. The character or string that will separate the integer part of the number from the fractional part.
  2. The character or string to be used to separate groups of numbers (thousands, million, etc.).
  3. Here you can specify in what form the number will be displayed:

    • As Is. The number is displayed unchanged.
    • Integer. Only the integer part of the number is displayed.
    • 2 Decimal Places. 2 digits of the fractional part of the number are displayed.
    • Integer and 2 Decimal Places. The integer part is displayed and only 2 fractional digits parts of a number.
    • Other. In this case, you can specify the display options for the number:

      • Number of Digits. The total number of digits displayed in the number is the integer part plus the fractional part.
      • Decimal Places. The number of displayed digits of the fractional part of the number.
      • In words. Display number in words.
  4. The character or string to be used if the value of the number is zero.
  5. If the flag is set, then the number will be padded with zeros on the left to the specified total number of displayed digits of the number.

Date and Time

  1. Display date and time format:

    • d: day without leading zero (1-2 digits)
    • dd: day with leading zero (2 digits)
    • M: month without leading zero (1-2 digits)
    • MM: month with leading zero (2 digits)
    • MMM: abbreviated name of the month
    • MMMM: the full name of the month
    • yy: year 2 digits
    • yyyy: year 4 digits
    • h: hour without leading zero (1-2 digits)
    • hh: hour with leading zero (2 digits)
    • n: minutes without leading zero (1-2 digits)
    • nn: minutes with leading zero (2 digits)
    • s: seconds without leading zero (1-2 digits)
    • ss: seconds with leading zero (2 digits)

Log of printing jobs

Here you can view the label printing history and reprint any job from the print history.