Label templates

A template is a sample label that is filled with real data when printed, such as product name, price, code, date, article number, barcode, etc.

Creating a label template

  1. Click New Template and give the template a name.

  2. Set the dimensions you want.

  3. Set up to get data from your source 1 and load your data 2 , or manually add the required columns 3 and fill in your data in Label Printing Data.

  4. Add elements to the template that will display information. You can use one of two ways to do this:

    1. Use the toolbar.
    2. Drag and drop the required fields directly onto the template.

An example of a template with added elements:

After adding elements to the template, you can print the label by clicking the button Preview or by clicking the button Print.

Example of creating a label template

In this template there are 5 elements that will print different information when printing:

  1. Name of the product
  2. QR code that contains a link to the web site "".
  3. USD currency symbol
  4. Price
  5. Barcode

Step-by-step creation of this template

  1. Click New Template and give the template a name.

  2. Set the dimensions you want.

  3. Set up data loading from the demo Excel file:

    1. Click the Data Load Settings button.

    2. Copy and paste the following file path:

    3. Click OK.

  4. Click the Load data from source button.

    After loading the data, you can see the following data fields:

  5. To display the product name, drag the Name field to the empty space of the template.
  6. Set the desired position and size of the area to display product name.
  7. Set the Auto Font Size to Fit.
  8. To display the price, drag the Price field to the empty space of the template.
  9. Set the desired position and size of the area to display product price.
  10. Set the Auto Font Size to Fit.
  11. To display the USD currency symbol, select the Currency Symbol tool.
  12. Left-click anywhere in the template.
  13. Select the USD currency symbol and click Select.
  14. Set the desired position and size of the currency symbol.
  15. To display the barcode, drag the Barcode field to the empty space of the template.
  16. Select the Barcode type.
  17. Select the type of barcode and click Select.
  18. Set the desired position and size of the barcode.
  19. To display the QR code, select the 2D Barcode tool.
  20. Left-click anywhere in the template.
  21. Select the type of barcode.
  22. Go to the Data source for barcode tab.
  23. Set the Text flag, enter the web site address and click Select.
  24. Set the desired position and size of the QR code.
  25. Save changes to the template.

Modifying a label template

Displaying data from your data source in a template

In order for the template element to display your data, the field name in your source must match the field name in the template element, otherwise the element will not be able to display your data and you will see a warning sign.
In this case, replace the data field in the template element with the data field from your source.

You can do this in two ways.

  1. Drag and drop your fields onto template elements.

  2. Open the element's properties, go to the "Data Source" tab, click on the data field and select your data field.

Changing Label Sizes and Other Options

  1. Click the Template Properties button.

  2. Set the desired dimensions and other parameters.

Template structure


Templates consist of such elements as Text, Rectangle, Circle, Barcode (1D and 2D), Image, Icon, Currency Symbol etc.

Element can display:

  1. Static data in the form of text or images.
  2. Variable data from data fields. For example, product parameters, images, counters, etc.

    Formulas, JavaScript or Pascal scripts are used to display variable data.

Each element can be set visibility by certain conditions through the formula.

All elements can be placed in the template anywhere and rotated at any angle.


Elements in the template are grouped into layers. Each layer can be given visibility by certain conditions through the formula.