Label templates

A template is a sample of a label, in which real data such as the name of the product, price, code, date, SKU, barcode, etc. are inserted at printing.

Creating a label template

  1. Click Label Designer.

  2. Click New Template and give the template a name.

  3. Set the dimensions you want.

  4. Add elements to the template that will display information. You can use one of two ways to do this:

    1. Use the toolbar.
    2. Drag and drop the required fields directly onto the template.

An example of a template with added elements:

After adding elements to the template, you can test print the label by clicking the button Preview or go to the Label Printing section.

Example of creating a label template

In this template there are 5 elements that will print different information when printing:

  1. Name of the product
  2. QR code that contains a link to the web site "".
  3. USD currency symbol
  4. Price of the product
  5. Barcode of the product

Step-by-step creation of this template

  1. Click Label Designer.

  2. Click New Template and give the template a name.

  3. Set the dimensions you want.

  4. To display the product name, select the Text tool.
  5. Left-click anywhere in the template. A dialog will appear to select the data that the element will display.

    Set the Data field or formula flag, select Name and click Select.

  6. Set the desired position and size of the area to display product name.
  7. Set the Auto Font Size to Fit.
  8. To display the product price, select the Text tool.
  9. Left-click anywhere in the template. A dialog will appear to select the data that the element will display.

    Set the Data field or formula flag, select Price and click Select.

  10. Set the desired position and size of the area to display product price.
  11. Set the Auto Font Size to Fit.
  12. To display the USD currency symbol, select the Currency Symbol tool.
  13. Left-click anywhere in the template.
  14. Select the USD currency symbol and click Select.
  15. Set the desired position and size of the currency symbol.
  16. To display the barcode, select the Barcode tool.
  17. Left-click anywhere in the template.
  18. Select the type of barcode and click Select.
  19. Set the desired position and size of the barcode.
  20. To display the QR code, select the 2D Barcode tool.
  21. Left-click anywhere in the template.
  22. Select the type of barcode.
  23. Go to the Data source for barcode tab.
  24. Set the Text flag, enter the web site address and click Select.
  25. Set the desired position and size of the QR code.
  26. Save changes to the template.

Example of creating a label template for a product bundle

You can create a label template that displays data for multiple related products from a product bundle in one of two ways:

  1. By placing elements that display data, as in a regular label for a single product, but specifying the data sources for these elements: the main product in the bundle, the first, the second, etc.

    This can be done in the properties of elements.

    In this example, the element will display the name of the first (non-main) item in the bundle:

    An example of such a template, which displays data for two products:

  2. Using a special mechanism for automatic placement of products data from the bundle, which will be described below.

Special mechanism for automatic placement of products data from the bundle

This mechanism implements the following template structure:

  1. Header. The data of the main product in the bundle and other data.
  2. Repeating region.

    • The data of the product 1 in the bundle and other data
    • The data of the product 2 in the bundle and other data
    • ...
    • The data of the product N in the bundle and other data

    In edit mode, as in this example, only the data for the first product is displayed.

  3. Footer. The data of the main product in the bundle and other data. Displays immediately after the repeating region.

This template in the preview:

You can see that the repeating area appears 3 times for all three non-main items in the bundle. Data on the main product of the bundle is displayed in the label header (in this case, only the name).

Implementation of the header

Place elements in the usual way.

Implementation of the repeating region
  1. Go to template properties, go to the Layers tab, then to the Regions of Layer tab.

    Select data source Bundle Contents. You can also configure additional parameters. Click OK.

  2. Place the elements in the template in the usual way, given that this entire group of elements will be displayed several times, so you need to leave room for repetitions.

  3. Go to the properties of each element on the Size and Position tab and set the layer region to Repeating.

  1. Go to template properties, go to the Layers tab, then to the Regions of Layer tab.

    Set the desired offset from the repeating region. Click OK.

  2. Place the elements in the template in the usual way, bearing in mind that this entire group of elements will appear immediately after the repeating region.

  3. Go to the properties of each element on the Size and Position tab and set the layer region to Footer.

You can see the implementation of this method in the Bundle template.

Modifying a label template

Click Label Designer.

Changing Label Sizes and Other Options

  1. Click the Template Properties button or on the field with the template description.

  2. Set the dimensions you want.

  3. Set other parameters if necessary.

Template structure


Templates consist of such elements as Text, Rectangle, Circle, Barcode (1D and 2D), Image, Icon, Currency Symbol etc.

Element can display:

  1. Static data in the form of text or images.
  2. Variable data from data fields. For example, product parameters, images, counters, etc.

    Formulas, JavaScript or Pascal scripts are used to display variable data.

Each element can be set visibility by certain conditions through the formula.

All elements can be placed in the template anywhere and rotated at any angle.


Elements in the template are grouped into nine layers. Each layer can be given visibility by certain conditions through the formula.


Formulas are used to display data from data fields, as well as to set the visibility of elements or layers.

To insert and edit formulas in the application, there is a formula designer, which is described in the Formula Designer section.

Formulas look like:

[Initial value] [Function 1] [Function 2] ... [Function N]

The initial value can be any valid data type. It may be absent explicitly, then it will be considered an empty string.

Types of data in formulas

  • Text. Is enclosed in double quotes.

    Example: "This is a text"

  • Number.

    Example: 123.4

  • Date / Time. Is enclosed in single quotes.


    • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
    • YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
    • YYYY-MM-DD

    , where YYYY - year 4 digits, MM - month 2 digits, DD - day 2 digits, hh - hour 2 digits, mm - minutes 2 digits, ss - seconds 2 digits.

    Examples: '2020-09-12T03:41:00', '2020-09-12 03:41:00', '2020-09-12'.

  • Data field. Is enclosed in square brackets.

    For standard fields, the names for use in formulas are used, for other data fields, the name for use in formulas is the same as the name of the field.


    • [ProductPrice], here the data field Price is represented in the formula under the name ProductPrice.
    • [My parameter], here the custom data field My Parameter is represented in the formula under the same name My Parameter.
    • [CurrentDate], here the virtual data field Current date, which contains the current date, is represented in the formula under the name CurrentDate.

Functions in formulas

Functions perform various actions: arithmetic operations, processing of strings and dates, formatting, etc.

The functions in the formula are executed sequentially from left to right. The first function in the formula handles the initial value of the formula, the second value obtained from the first, the third value obtained from the second, and so on.

Functions can be nested and include other functions.

Examples of formulas with functions:

  • 100 AddPercent( 5 )

    In this example, the function of adding percentages to numbers is used. The function adds 5 percent to the number 100, and displays the resulting value of 105.

  • [ProductPrice] AddPercent( 12.3 ) Round( "0.5" )

    In this example, the functions of adding percentages to numbers and rounding are used.
    The function adds 12.3 percent to the price of the product (the data field Price is represented in the formula under the name ProductPrice, which is used in the formulas), then rounds the resulting value to an accuracy of 0.5, and displays the resulting value.

Data fields and counters in formulas

In formulas, you can use either the standard data fields and counters, which will be listed below, or your own data fields.

When adding new columns, new data fields appear in the product catalog, corresponding to these columns.

When printing with external data, the names of the data fields in the template must match the names of the data fields in the transmitted data.

Standard data fields, including virtual ones (counters, current date, etc.):

Data field name for formulas Data type Data field name Notes
ProductName String Name of product
ProductSKU String Product SKU
ProductCode String Product code
ProductExpirationDate String Shelf life of product
ProductDescription String Product description
ProductCharacteristic String Product characteristics
ProductPLU Number PLU of the product
ProductDiscount Number Discount for product
ProductWeight Number Product weight
ProductPrice Number Product price
ProductStock Number Remains of the product
ProductColor String Color of the product
ProductSize String Size of the product
ProductWidth Number Width
ProductHeight Number Height
ProductLength Number Length
ProductTax Number Tax
ProductMPN String MPN
ProductISBN String ISBN



Number Product price 2...9
ProductPriceOld Number Old price of product



String Additional product parameter 1...9
Barcode String Product barcode
BarcodeType Number ID of type of barcode. The ID can be seen in the list of barcode types on the Barcode tab in the properties of the template element
BarcodeIsMain Boolean This is the main product barcode.
UniqueCode String Product Amazon Transparency code
UnitName String Unit of measurement
CountryName String Country name
CountryISO String ISO of the country
Brand String Brand name
CategoryName String Product category name
DocName String Name of the document
DocDate String Date of the document
DocNo String Document number
DocNote String Document note
CompanyName String Name of company
CompanyCode String TIN of company
StoreName String Warehouse name
StoreCode String Warehouse code
SupplierName String Supplier name
SupplierCode String Supplier code
ManufacturerName String Manufacturer name
ManufacturerCode String Manufacturer code
PartnerName String Name of partner
PartnerCode String Partner TIN
PartnerPhones String Phones of the partner
PartnerBankAccount String Bank account of the partner
PartnerBankName String Name of the partner bank
PartnerBankCode String TIN of partner bank
PartnerBankCorrespondentAccount String Correspondent account of the partner
CurrentDate String Current date
LabelCount Number Number of all labels
LabelCounter Number Counter of all labels
LabelCounterDesc Number Decreasing counter of all labels
ProductLabelCount Number Number of product labels
ProductLabelCounter Number Counter of product labels
ProductLabelCounterDesc Number Decreasing counter of product labels
ProductCount Number Number of all products
ProductCounter Number Counter of all products
ProductCounterDesc Number Decreasing counter of all products
PageLabelCount Number Number of labels on the page
PageLabelCounter Number Counter of labels on the page
PageLabelCounterDesc Number Decreasing counter of labels on the page
TemplateID Number Template ID
TemplateName String Template name
TemplateCaption String Template description
TemplateCreateDateTime String Date / time the template was created
UserName String User name
ExtDataName String Name of external data
ExtDataConnData String Connection string with external data
IsFavorite Boolean My favorites
LastChangeDateTime String Date / time of last change
Group String -

The name of the product folder or the path to the product folder in the catalog.

Used only when importing / printing from external data.

ProductImage String -

Product image.

Used only when importing / printing from external data.

BundleID Number -

The identifier of the bundle. Items with the same identifier are considered a bundle.

Used only when importing / printing from external data and in Print Data.

BundleIndexNumber Number Sequence number in the bundle

0 - the main product in the bundle, 1,2,3 ... - other products in the bundle.

Used only when importing / printing from external data and in Print Data.

UseAsBundleItemOnly Boolean -

Use only as part of the bundle. If the value is True, then the product is not printed on its own, but only as part of the bundle.

Used only when importing / printing from external data and in Print Data.