How To

How to work with label templates and data common to all users from different computers?

You can use one of the options that will be described below:

  • Simultaneous work of many users from many computers.
  • Several users work in turn.

Simultaneous work of many users from many computers

This option is possible with a Corporate license.

Solution features:

  • Only one license is required and must be activated on the host computer (server).
  • All user computers must be on the local network along with the host computer or connect via Remote Desktop (RDP) to the host computer.

Deployment and configuration:

  1. Install AzureLabel on the host computer (server) - it will have a shared database, including templates. This computer can also be a workplace at the same time.
    Activate the Corporate license on it.
    You can see how to do this in the Installing the program: Server section.
  2. Install AzureLabel on the required number of working computers (licenses do not need to be activated on these computers) and configure the connection settings with the server computer.
    You can see how to do this in the Installing the program: Client section.

For more information about the Corporate license, see the Multi-user (floating) license section.

Several users work in turn

This option is possible with licenses Free, Lite, Pro.

Solution features:

  • You need as many licenses as there are user computers.
  • Licenses must be activated on all users' computers: one license per computer.
  • Simultaneous operation of several users is not possible.

Option 1: The program database is located on a shared drive, such as Google Drive

Deployment and configuration:

  1. Install AzureLabel on all user computers.
    You can see how to do this in the Easy Install section.
  2. Close any running AzureLabels on all users' computers.
  3. Run the program on one of the computers and go to Menu > Tools > Backup database .
  4. Select your shared drive as the location to save the database backup.
  5. Close the program.
  6. Navigate to your shared drive using Windows Explorer or another file manager.
  7. Change the name of the previously saved file "db.fdb_backup_XXXXXXXX_XXXXXX_XXX.aldb" to "db.fdb".
  8. Run the program one by one on each of the users' computers and do the following:

    1. Go to Menu > Settings.
    2. Go to the Database section.
    3. Change the database path in the "Database" field to the path to the "db.fdb" file on your shared drive.
    4. Activate the license allocated for this computer.
    5. Close the program.

Working with the program:

  1. One of the users starts the program, works with the program and closes the program.
  2. The next user starts the program, works with the program, and closes the program.
  3. And so on.

Option 2: Users share the program database with each other

Deployment and configuration:

  1. Install AzureLabel on all user computers.
    You can see how to do this in the Easy Install section.
  2. Close any running AzureLabels on all users' computers.
  3. Run the program one by one on each of the users' computers and do the following:

    1. Activate the license allocated for this computer.
    2. Close the program.

Working with the program:

  1. One of the users:

    1. Starts the program.
    2. Restores the database from a backup received from the previous user (if any):
      Go to Menu > Tools > Restore database from a backup and select the database backup file received from the previous user.
    3. Works with the program.
    4. Saves the program database as a backup:
      Go to Menu > Tools > Backup database .
    5. Passes the saved database backup to the next user.
    6. Closes the program.
  2. The next user performs step 1, and so on.

How to print Amazon Transparency codes

You can print Transparency codes in two ways, namely through:

  1. Import Transparency codes into the program and then print labels with imported codes.
    How to do this will be described below.
  2. Printing labels with Transparency codes, transferring data to the program directly from another system / program.
    You can see how to do this in the Integration Guide.

The program remembers each printed Transparency code in the Printed Transparency codes catalog. A label already printed with a Transparency Code will not be printed or displayed in a preview, thus avoiding duplicate printing of Transparency codes.

Importing Transparency codes into the program

You must first request your Transparency codes from Amazon. These codes are delivered in a CSV file and are listed in the "Public_Code" column. You can get more information directly from Amazon.

  1. Click Label Printing.
  2. Clear the product list with the clear button.
  3. Click Import.
  4. Select Amazon Transparency codes data source.

    If your Transparency codes are in a file of a different format, then you can use another data source, for example Spreadsheet (Excel, ODF etc) and, accordingly, import Transparency codes from Excel files.

  5. Click the Read Data from Source button.
  6. Go to the Import Data tab.
  7. Make sure that the column with Transparency codes is bound to the data field Transparency code.

    If not, click on the column header with the Transparency codes and select the Transparency code data field.

  8. Click the Import Data button and close the import window.

After importing the Transparency codes into the program, you can print labels with the imported codes.

You can see more details about importing into the program in the Importing Data section.

Printing labels with Transparency codes

For printing 1 Transparency codes, templates are supplied with the program:

  1. Amazon Transparency 1.125" x 1.125"
  2. Amazon Transparency 1.75" x 0.75"
  3. Amazon Transparency UPC 1.375" x 1.375"

To print labels, do the following:

  1. Select one of the above label template.
  2. Click the Print or Preview button to print labels with Transparency codes.

Example of printed labels (test data):

You can change these templates for yourself in the Label Designer.

1 For more details on how to print labels, see the Printing Labels section.

How to delete products from catalog?

  1. Select products and folders that you want to delete and click Mark For Deletion.
  2. The icons of these products and folders will change to those marked for deletion.
  3. In the program menu, click Delete Marked Items.

Suppose that you are importing links into the Parameter 1 column. Then you need to display the data from this column in a QR code.

At the time of inserting the QR code into the template

Go to the Data source for barcode tab and select data field Parameter 1.

In an existing QR code

  1. Double click on the QR code
  2. Select data field Parameter 1.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Save the template.

How to generate barcode?

You can do this in two ways.

In the product catalog

  1. Select desired products or folders.
  2. Click Actions with Selected Rows at the bottom of the window.
  3. Go to the Add Barcodes tab.
  4. Set the parameters for forming barcodes (type of barcode, prefix, on the basis of which the barcode will be formed).
  5. Click Add barcode in selected products button.

In the template formula

Use function Barcode.

For example formula

[ProductCode] Barcode("EAN-13"; "23")

will generate an EAN-13 barcode with the prefix "23" based on the product code.

In this case, the barcode will be formed "on the fly" when printing labels or in print preview.

How to change the currency symbol in the label?

Open Label Designer, delete the old currency symbol and add the desired currency symbol with the Currency Symbol tool.

How to bind templates to products?

To bind a template to a product, select the product and set the desired template in the Template column.

If you need to bind a template to several products at once

  1. Select desired products or folders.
  2. Click Actions with Selected Rows at the bottom of the window.
  3. Go to the Replace Values in column tab 1.
  4. In the 2 field, select the Template column.
  5. Select the required template in the 3 field
  6. Click 4 button.

How to make sure that when adding a new product in the Country column the manufacturer I need is put?

  1. Go to the Menu > Settings.
  2. Go to the Catalogs section
  3. Select Countries catalog.
  4. Select desired country in the Default value field.

This country will be used by default for new products.

Similarly, you can specify default values for other catalogs.

How to sort products? How to sort products by several columns, for example, by article and color?

You can sort the list by any column, for example, by name, article number, etc.

To sort, click on the column heading.

To change the sort direction, click on the column heading again.

To sort by several columns, press the [Ctrl] key while clicking on the column heading.

How to make a discount or markup?

To make a markup or discount:

  1. Open product catalog.
  2. Click Actions with Selected Rows at the bottom of the window.
  3. Go to the Edit Prices tab.
  4. Select desired products.
  5. Select the price to set in Target Price.
    The price will be set in this way: the base price will be taken, a discount or markup will be applied to it, then rounding will be performed, of the price received.
  6. Select the base price in Source Price, which serves as the basis for the discount or mark-up.
    This can be a same price that Target Price, if you need to change a certain price by a number or percentage.
  7. Select the source of the discount or markup: a number or value from the column of the product catalog.
  8. If this is a number, then specify the desired one.
    Positive number - markup, negative number - discount.
  9. Choose the type of markup or discount: percentage or unit of currency.
  10. Choose rounding.
  11. Click Replace.

Google Drive public links of this kind{Image ID}/view?usp=sharing

not suitable for direct image acquisition.

Such links must be converted to links of this kind{Image ID}&sz=w{Image width in pixels}

You can do the conversion directly in the template. For this, it is necessary to add the function of replacing part of the string in the formula for obtaining a link to an image.

An example of a formula if the link to the image is obtained from the data field [ProductParam1] (column "Parameter 1") and the image width should be 1000px:

[ProductParam1] Replace("/file/d/"; "/thumbnail?id=" ; "T") Replace("/view?usp=sharing"; "&sz=w1000" ; "T")

How to add an element, such as a barcode, to a separate layer in a template?

There are 9 layers in the template. By default, all elements are added to layer 1. Before adding an element, you can change the current layer to another.

You can also change the layer of an existing element.

How to create your own label template?

Creating a label template is described in the Creating a label template section.

How do I transfer a label template or multiple templates to another computer?

To transfer one template

  1. Go to Label Designer.
  2. Select Actions > Save to file menu.
  3. Choose a location to save the template.
  4. Transfer the saved template to another computer.
  5. On another computer, go to Label Designer.
  6. Select Actions > Load from file menu.
  7. Select a saved template.

To transfer multiple templates

  1. Go to Label Designer.
  2. Click on the button All templates.
  3. Check the boxes for the templates or template folders you want.
  4. Select Actions > Templates export menu.
  5. Select the templates export method Keep folder structure.
  6. Select a folder to save templates.
  7. Transfer the folder with the saved templates to another computer.
  8. On another computer, go to Label Designer.
  9. Click on the button All templates.
  10. Go to the root of the catalog.
  11. Select Actions > Templates import menu.
  12. Select the import method Import all templates from a folder.
  13. Select a folder with saved templates.

How to work with GS1 data in a label template?

To work with GS1, you can use:

  1. The function in the formula GetGS1ParsedData(<AI>), where <AI> is the AI by which the function returns the data of the element if an element with such AI was present in the GS1 string, otherwise the function returns an empty string.
  2. The functions in a JavaScript getGS1ParsedData(<GS1 string>, <AI>), where <GS1 string> is the GS1 string that the function parses into separate elements, <AI> is the AI by which the function returns the data of the element if an element with such AI was present in the GS1 string, otherwise the function returns an empty string.
  3. The functions in a Pascal script GetGS1ParsedData(<GS1 string>, <AI>), where <GS1 string> is the GS1 string that the function parses into separate elements, <AI> is the AI by which the function returns the data of the element if an element with such AI was present in the GS1 string, otherwise the function returns an empty string.

You can see all application identifiers (AI) that the GS1 string can store.

An example of a formula for working with GS1 data:

[Barcode] GetGS1ParsedData ("01")

The following happens in the formula:

  1. The GS1 string is taken from the Barcode data field.
  2. Using the GetGS1ParsedData function, a GTIN (AI=01) is obtained from the GS1 string and displayed on the label.

An example of a Pascal script for working with GS1 data:

    GS1Str, GTIN, Serial: string;
    //getting GS1 string from Barcode data field
    GS1Str := GetFieldValue('Barcode');

    //getting GTIN (AI = 01)
    GTIN := GetGS1ParsedData(GS1Str, '01');

    //getting Serial (AI = 21)
    Serial := GetGS1ParsedData(GS1Str, '21');
    WriteLn('GTIN: ');

    //displaying GTIN
    WriteLn('Serial: ');
    //displaying Serial

In the Pascal script, the following happens:

  1. The GS1 string is taken from the Barcode data field.
  2. Using the GetGS1ParsedData function, GTIN, Serial strings are obtained from GS1 and displayed in the label.

How to import GTIN and other elements from the input GS1 string?

Suppose you have a file with products and each product has a corresponding GS1 string.

Consider two options for importing this file:

  1. You want to import instead of the GS1 string a GTIN * element that should be selected from this string.
  2. You want to import both the GS1 string and the GTIN * element that should be selected from this string.

* Or any other element or several elements

Implementing Option 1 (import GTIN only)

Suppose you want to import a GTIN element into the Parameter 2 data field.

Initial setting:

  1. Open data source settings.
  2. Go to the Data fields tab.
  3. Select data field Parameter 2.
  4. Go to the Settings of Import / Print from Source tab.
  5. Click the button and set the formula to get the GTIN value (AI=01):

    [ProductParam2] GetGS1ParsedData("01")

Before importing, bind the column containing the GS1 to the Parameter 2 data field:

After importing, the Parameter 2 data field will show the GTIN selected from the GS1 line. In this example, this is "04999123456789":

How it works? When importing from GS1 the string passed to the Parameter 2 data field, the GTIN is extracted using the formula and its value replaces the current value of the Parameter 2 data field.

Implementing Option 2 (import GS1 strings and GTIN)

Suppose you want to import a GS1 string into the Parameter 1 data field, and a GTIN element into the Parameter 2 data field.

Initial setting:

  1. Open data source settings.
  2. Go to the Data fields tab.
  3. Select data field Parameter 2.
  4. Go to the Settings of Import / Print from Source tab.
  5. Click the button and set the formula to get the GTIN value (AI=01):

    [ProductParam1] GetGS1ParsedData("01")

Before importing, bind the column containing the GS1 to the Parameter 1 data field:

After importing, the GS1 string will appear in the Parameter 1 data field, the GTIN selected from the GS1 row will appear in the Parameter 2 data field. In this example, this is "04999123456789":

How it works? When importing from GS1 the string passed in the Parameter 1 data field, GTIN is selected using the formula and its value falls into the Parameter 2 data field.

How to mark up the price when importing?

Suppose you have a file with products and each product has a price, but you want to import this price with a mark-up.

Initial setting:

  1. Open data source settings.
  2. Go to the Data fields tab.
  3. Select data field Price.
  4. Go to the Settings of Import / Print from Source tab.
  5. Click the button and set the formula to get the price with a mark-up (in this example, 15%):

    [ProductPrice] AddPercent(15;"+")

Before importing, bind the column containing the price to the Price data field:

After import, in the Price data field there will be a price with a margin of 15%. In this example, it is "115":

How it works? When importing, the price passed in the Price data field is charged by 15% using the formula and replaces the current value in the Price data field.

How to configure import to the product catalog on schedule?

  1. Create and configure a task for import in the Tasks catalog.
  2. Configure Windows Scheduler to run this task.

Task creation

  1. Open the Tasks catalog through Menu > Catalogs > Tasks.
  2. Create a task using the Add button.
  3. Set the task type to Import and the data source (in this example, the Spreadsheet).

  4. Configure the data source in the same way as described in the One-Click Import section.

    You can open the data source settings directly from the task.

Configure Windows Scheduler to run this task

  1. Go to the Windows menu Start > Windows Administrative Tools > Task Scheduler.

  2. Click Create Task.

  3. Go to the Actions tab and click New.

  4. Click Browse and select the program file C:\Program Files (x86)\AzureLabel 11\AzureLabel.exe.

  5. Temporarily go to the program and in the task window click Copy as arguments to run from the command line.

  6. Paste the copied into the Add arguments box.

  7. Click ОК.
  8. Go to the Triggers tab and click New.

  9. Set the task launch schedule.

This completes the configuration and the Windows task scheduler will start importing into the product catalog according to the schedule you set.

See when the task was launched, whether it was successful and the result of its execution you can in the Tasks catalog.

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